
Oh, I don’t know. Just a random guy with some random thoughts who likes to hang out with his wife, daughters, dog, friends and friends’ dogs.

Currently, we are in the Chattanooga area. Specifically, we live in Ooltewah (in which the locals pronounce “Noodlewah” but with a silent “n” don’t ask why). I am known here as the Introverted One and am a stay@home dad and a pretty decent preacher’s wife, if I do say so myself. I am currently in charge of warping the young mind of our most recent addition (born 12/19/07) who was deemed “the Bobblehead” up until she has gained control of her huge head on top of her neck. Now we call her “the Mullethead.” Because she has a lovely head of hair in the style of Barry Melrose. So, the name fits.

The eldest child has been knighted “The Young Extroverted One” because not only is she young but is also very extroverted; unlike myself. She is in kindergarten and has mood swings on a minutely basis. Morning rituals include eating and hating school. After school ritual includes eating and liking school. I can’t keep up and get motion sickness due to the swings. The YEO at the moment likes ‘iCarly’ and ‘Drake and Josh’ which are kinda funny, I must admit.

The breadwinner of the family and, literally, the better-half of this coupledom is “The Reverend Extroverted One.” Her moniker has changed several times during this semi-boring ride of a blog. From “The Extroverted One” before seminary to “The Extroverted Holy One” during seminary and recent graduation. Now I have christened her “The Reverend Extroverted One” as a sly shout out to REO Speedwagon (which she put on a mix tape for me when were long distance dating[?]) and because she is now a pastor at a presbyterian church (PCUSA) in Chattanooga. And, no less holy, by the way.

What? You would like more information on me? Well, I like beer, hockey, my mac, reading blogs, struggling with stuff to write about, self-doubt about what I just wrote about, beer, and the Green Bay Packers. I enjoy good beers, good conversations with good friends while listening to good music. Finally, to quote from my last about update, “I aspire to be a stay-at-home dad and domestic diva. Hopefully, the EEHO can find a nice church that would pay enough to help me reach my goal.”

Done and done! w00t!!


*UPDATE: “the Mullethead” is now the “Younger Extroverted One” and the “Young Extroverted One” is newly dubbed the “Elder Extroverted One” as my wife has obtained a Twitter account and is tweeting as @revlkb.

*UPDATE #2: I am no longer a stay-at-home dad as my children are both integrated into the public school system. I’m back working for the audio-visual company that I work for in Nashville. That’s all I’m going to say about that. Sigh…

5 thoughts on “About”

  1. Hello, I found your blog by searching PSAV in google, nice to know other “co-worker”. I´m DET at One&Only Palmilla here in Los Cabos, México. I´ll be visiting your blog to see how exciting is your new DET job, happy holidays!!

  2. Hey man, I also found your blog by googling PSAV. I’m currently looking for a job in the A/V field and was just trying to see what the word was on PSAV. I also live in the Nashville area (imagine that). Email me sometime if you want. I’d like to know what it’s like working for PSAV or any other AV job you’ve worked on! Thanks man!


  3. Hi,

    I love your blog. I’m especially interested in the Christopher Mcandless story and want to learn more about the documentary that you wrote about. I’m having trouble finding the DVD and was wondering if you could tell me where you purchased it. Thanks.

  4. Well, since you’re spending so much time talking about introverts and extroverts here, I thought I would tell you I’ve written a book for introverts in the church, which is called, conveniently, Introverts in the Church. I’m an introverted PCUSAer myself. It comes out in October and you can find out more about it on my blog.

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