. . . your brotitude is so brossential that, in many ways, you are the ultimate brototype: You sprung out of the brotean ooze at the very broment of creation, unformed, unmolded, and became the ultimate bro, more powerful than any who came brofore. I don’t fear your power, bro, but I respect it. And I will always brobey it.Brosemite Sam. Potassium Bromide. Brobi Wan Kenobi. Brover Norquist.Like Broseph Stalin, you are leading the way to the dictatorship of the broletariate. It is truly revbrolutionary. Like the Bro v. Wade of our generation. You brobliterate the enemy from the very peak of Mt. Brolympus. That’s some shit. That’s brolific. But that’s the kind of bro you are.
Bro-S.A.! Bro-S.A.! I’m so pumped right now! Bro-S.A.!
You are the epitome of bro, in every brossible way, and that’s the Bro’s honest truth, bro. I may have a bropensity for broverstatement, but this no mere hyperbrole: You are 100 brocent, absbrolutely the broest. Brotally.
I wish I had the words to describe what a good friend you are, dude.