I’m having a hard time reconciling the fact that it’s January 7th and it’s 67 degrees. The Young Extroverted One and I are on our front porch. That ain’t right.
Category: front porch
Independence Day Ruminations
First things first, a little link love to coolpeoplecare.org and today’s email inbox gem:
5 minutes of caring
Be Independent
by Sam Davidson (Wednesday, July 4, 2007)
As you are probably aware, back in 1776, a group of folks got together and celebrated the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. You can also commemorate some other things today, such as:
- The birth of Geraldo Rivera
- The death of the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th US presidents
- Filipino-American Friendship Day (Today is also Independence Day for the Philippines)
- The beginning of Alice in Wonderland
- The abolition of slavery in New York
- The formation of Providence, Rhode Island
If you want to celebrate today, make sure you do so wisely. Make today memorable as you enjoy your time off.
And now for something completely different:
Nothin’ says America like a blond woman with a shotgun in the front yard and an Amercan flag!
Summer Fun
I’ve been meaning to write about this earlier but life and work get in the way sometimes. But, first, I must give a shout-out to God for the rain! We’ve been needing a new roof since we moved into this house and right when we hire someone to do it it rains like crazy the day they were going to come down. Now that the roof is done (and the impending bill is possibly on the way) I was afraid that is wasn’t ever going to rain again. If anything to at least prove to us that our choice in roofer was a good one. The work done was proof number one and now the lack of leaking is proof number two. We’ll be passing around a plate to collect donations for the roof fund after this post. =)
Okay, now onto the summer fun portion of the show. I have always enjoyed catching lightning bugs on summer evenings. I got to share this enjoyment with the Young Extroverted One the other day and we had a blast! There’s just something about spotting that green flash and running towards it to only lose the thing because it turned it’s light off and kept flying. Once the YEO got the knack she was catching them like a pro. As we took a breather from all the running to and fro I pointed out the bats flitting back and forth catching bugs (hopefully mostly mosquitoes). YEO thought that was the coolest thing ever!
I have this bat house (not my house but actually a bat house) that I’ve been needing to hang somewhere but like every project on deck it gets put aside. I still haven’t finished the laundry nook (what’s smaller than a nook? cranny?) with the sanding and the hole filling and the painting. At least we can actually do the laundry! I’ve also been meaning to put up a swing on the front porch for the YEO. Because, according to her, the porch swing is booooriiiiing. Whew, I got some work to do. ugh.
Now listen to some money collecting tunes as we start the plate around . . .
Porch Swing Bliss
Last week I got the bug for some basic home improvement. We have a lovely front porch on our house and for the longest time had a couple of folding chairs, a plastic picnic table (kid-sized) and several pint-sized . . . mmmmmmmm pint . . . chairs. There were hooks already installed in the ceiling of the porch but they were of questionable descent. So, after removing the old, scary hooks I realized that there was acceptable safety in what the hooks were installed in.
I ran to the home improvement store and picked up some eye-hooks, springs, quicklinks and a porch swing. What a difference a porch swing makes! We have sat upon that thing everyday since the installation. The weather here is not oppressively hot yet so it has been enjoyable to be on our front porch. With the occasional waves and “How ya doin’?”‘s with the people who live on our street it has been a different world.
Then there is the other side of front porch livin’. We observe the traffic patterns on our street better from our perch. It’s looking like there might be some drug/prostitution activity farther down on our street. Ah, gotta love life in East Nashville. We hope things might change for the better since we’re outside more. And with the Young Extroverted One playing with the neighboor’s son there is more of a presence of children and family life. Hopefully, a family with children will move in on the other side of our house to further encourage community.
In the meantime, Bosco (90 pound mixed breed of BIG ancestry) will be on the porch with us during this lovely stretch of weather. It also won’t hurt to make a courtesy call to the East Precinct‘s non-emergency phone number.