It’s turning out to be a woeful day isn’t it?
Someone explain to me that with a team of three riggers and one of them on vacation for a week gets to do all of the time sensitive related work. The lone, just-off-of-vacation worker is now more stressed than before he left.
You have two guys who saw the beginning of this project and me, who was leaving and thus not involved with the planning, CAD drawing, bidding and buying of supplies needed. I’m going to be here to help with the rigging of this monstrosity but wasn’t here for the planning.
Today I was going to come in later because of a 10:30PM load out. However, I went in much earlier than anticipated and had to put together an order of stuff that I had no clue of quantities for a project that I had barely even seen the first draft drawing of that HAD to be ordered today! Ugh. The co-workers are going to get an earful when I see them because this kind of behavior is not right. Now our boss, whom I consider to be a decent friend, has to deal with this issue as well when he didn’t have to because it should have been done.
He’s stressed, I’m stressed. Someone’s gettin’ punched square in the neck for this one (figuratively speaking that is).