Well, not a whole private state, state of being or otherwise. Just a room. Where I can put up my hockey/green bay packer/beer paraphernalia and the Holy Elder Extroverted One need not worry about the general public witnessing that part of my somewhat man-ness.
I didn’t want to suggest the move upstairs. At least, out loud. But, this move does make a little more flexibility with a room downstairs and makes a little better use of space upstairs. This may seem like some sort of den of testosterone that I can escape to so I can feel more like a man and not a father/husband. It’s not. It is going to be more of a place to exercise my introvertedness (Like I need any help with that!). I don’t need to retreat from being a father/husband because I love being those things. I wasn’t much of a manly man before marriage and fatherhood so it’s not me trying to get those things back. I guess I need a place to decompress after a day of dealing with stuff/people at work.
I don’t get to climb the stairs (into my hole of solitude) very often because of other responsibilities and that’s okay. It sure is nice when it happens. Which is where I find myself at this moment. A much needed day off of work and home alone. I have things that need my attention but I have some time right now to do some chilling out, reading blogs and writing one. Not a good one mind you. More like blogorrhea which is more of a problem for you because you’re reading this. This is the fruit of my introverted den of lonliness. Enjoy!