This Guy Deserves the Nobel Prize!

This is awesome!  For more information on the genius AND the launcher go to .  Definitely go there because this is an unauthorized video on YouTube.  The real video is here.  Apparently, WordPress won’t allow embedding video from this site so I had to go a different route to share with you.

It’s okay.  I’ll take the heat.  All in the name of science, beer and laziness.


mmmmm . . . tooools . . .

This is going to sound a little funny, especially after that last post, but I love tools. I know, it sounds manly and macho. I have always been into gadgets (even though I can’t afford them) and I think tools fall into that realm.

Mac Tools is in the Gaylord Opryland this weekend and I went down to the exhibit hall the other day. I saw all of their tool boxes and tool accessories in all of their diamond plated grandeur. Mac Tools definitely has some corporate drone thing going on because when I was climbing around in the Delta Ballroom ceiling the other day I was being brainwashed by their rehearsal sounds of team and we’re going to win. Is this some sort of Amway scam for boys and their tools?