Movin’ On Up (or across town really)

My days here are numbered. The new director of event technology will start next week and for the next several weeks I will help him transition into this position. I’ll be training him until the Elder Extroverted Holy One brings forth the second child. During the delivery I will be in the corner of the room with an epidural and copious amounts of drugs to help us get through the delivery. With all of my saved up vacation time I will be able to stay home with the family and help with everything. It will end up being some great daddy-Young Extroverted One time as the new one learns what kind of crazy world it was forcibly brought into.

After the holidays and the new year I should be starting here. Where I will, hopefully, be the official director of event technology. So, I’m slowly finding my work getting me closer and closer to our home in the east Nashville area. Also, it puts me closer to the Sommet Center and the embattled Nashville Predators whose tickets I still can’t afford (not because they’re outrageously priced but we’re outrageously broke) but would go to every single game if given the chance.

Speaking of hockey, I got the YEO signed up for the G.O.A.L. program hosted by the Preds and Delta Dental of Tennessee. She’s excited about it or I’m excited about it for her. Maybe I’ll just go as her and get some ice time! Our equipment fitting session is this Monday and, unfortunately, we have to drive to the Southern Ice Arena in Franklin for this fitting and all 4 sessions of the program. Looking at past G.O.A.L. programs we missed the ones at the Centennial Sportsplex. Which would’ve been way closer. But then I think about the sacrifices that hockey greats’ parents made to drive their wunderkinds to their respective games and practices uphill both ways in the deep snow all across the Canadian wilderness and figure it’s not so bad driving down to Franklin except maybe for the exceptionally poor drivers the most Tennesseans are.

Writing Goals Thwarted

I had planned to write something everyday here.  I missed one. That’s what I get for not stating my goals in writing.  But, also, I’ve been working a lot at the job I may not have much longer.

I made it known to my boss that I would much prefer to be back in the rigging department instead of a technician under a new guy as the director. Is that a bit of pride? I’m not really sure.  I just figured that it would really be best for all involved.  I can be helpful in the rigging department and the technician here now won’t have to go anywhere else.

While I’m busy rigging I can more prepare to be a director of event technology elsewhere should the need arise.  Which means more time in training spent up in Schaumburg, IL.  I have always felt unprepared in this position.  I can do all the operational/logistical/technical aspects of this job.  I don’t know a whole lot about profit and loss statments or business plan reports, blah, blah, blah.

The Tale of Employment Woes Continues . . .

Which has nothing to do with ‘The Man’ keeping me down.

But it seems that the hotel and PSAV higher-ups have interviewed a candidate for the position of which I am in right now. Thankfully, I knew about this ahead of time and was fully prepped by my boss that it was happening. Well, the hotel, apparently, liked this guy but I was told that they like me too. What is that saying about cake and stuff?

If they hire this guy and I stay he would be the director of a/v and I would go back to being a technician. I’m not quite sure what would happen to the current technician, maybe they would put him at the Gaylord Opryland. Which, if you are a floor technician, is not that cool of a job.

At the same time, though, I am hearing the Opryland PSAV rigging department is struggling and has been since I left to take the job I now have. I’ve been seriously considering going back to rigging to take care of that mess and wait for another director job to open up. My problem is that I feel that I need to be paid around what the other two guys are getting paid. Especially the rigging supervisor, who got a significant raise since I left. Which now doesn’t make sense if this guy doesn’t have the skills to keep the ship running. If I go back and straighten things out I should get a significant raise, too. Right?

It’s just that I’m a big wuss when it comes to confrontation and money. Deep down inside I know that I deserve it. The department ran well when I was there doing inventory, scheduling labor, along with some actual rigging. When I’m gone it falls apart. I need to do my own math I guess and point that out to my boss. But, also, on the surface we (the extrovert/introvert family) need an increase in my pay. There’s a parasite just waiting to stop feasting on it’s host (the Elder Extroverted Holy One), enter the world and eat my money (and that will cut into my beer money and as the Young Extroverted One knows, daddy doesn’t share beer)(I do, really, share beer. I can prove it 🙂 )! Which, as soon as EEHO graduates and gets a job won’t be that big of a problem. For now, though, we need me to get a more significant raise.

Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht

or “Be still, stop chattering” Also known as The Coffee Cantata.

“If I can’t drink my bowl of coffee three times daily, then in my torment I will shrivel up like a piece of roast goat.”

My Beautiful Wickedness)

This is what I come up with when all I’m doing at the moment is surfing through favorite blogs that have led me to other blogs I don’t normally read. I have never heard of this cantata. I will now have to find said cantata and possibly add a snippet of it to my phone as a new ringtone or maybe an alarm to wake up to.

That’s all I got today as I sit at work babysitting some meetings whose companies have the audacity to hold meetings in my hotel on a Saturday! Those bastards! On top of that it’s a home game for Vandy and considering we have the team holding their defense and offense meetings before the game and the stadium is directly behind the hotel I’d much rather be at home than right here.

I’ll leave you with this snippet of the cantata with which I dedicate and give a shout out to the Rev Java Dude:

Aria Lieschen
Mm! how sweet the coffee tastes, more delicious than a thousand
kisses, mellower than muscatel wine. Coffee, coffee I must have, and if
someone wishes to give me a treat, ah, then pour me out some coffee!

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Job Drama Continues

Well, I knew that I had to jump through some hoops in order to get the director of av job at the Marriott at Vanderbilt University but I didn’t know I had to do the limbo and play twister at the same time!

My boss said I had to do a quick phone interview with someone from corporate. Wha? I’ve been working for this company for about two years. Okay, I’ll do it. Did that on Monday. Then my boss told me that I had to do an interview with some of the head cheeses from the hotel. Alright, whatever it takes. He set it up for yesterday with the hopes of making the human resources call that afternoon. Well, what he thought was a group hug with the new director and his hotel partners turned out to be cuddle time with my boss and the hotel crew (of which I was not invited). Talking about me. Why not talk to me?

So, they all agreed that I would do this as a temporary or interim position for a couple of months as a tryout. That means I don’t get director pay until it’s official in the minds of the Marriott mob that I can indeed ‘sell’ audio/visual in this teeny (remember I used to work at the Gaylord Opryland) hotel.

At least I get along with the people that I will be working with directly. Those guys that talked about me? They only see me working. They don’t work with me. As long as I’m doing what the sales folks here need me to do (which I am doing) we’ll be golden. I suppose I’ll continue to be, as my facebook updates say, “playing ‘director’ of AV @ the Vanderbilt Marriott.”